Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Carolyn Braden's Poetry #3

In the dark, the possible can come true.
In the light, the impossible is all I have,
can you give me a clue?
The hills are becoming mountains.
The trees, I cannot climb.
Can you hear me, are you listening?
Am I running out of time?
I feel naked, alone, and sad.
But at times, I grow incredibly mad.
The happiness comes and goes.
I have many highs, but too many lows.
What is it that can cure my blues?
It's the dreams that I hope to come true.
They say the clock is ticking,
my time is running out.
"Why do I have to give up!",
is all I want to shout.
It's true, I want to give up, 
throw my hands up in the air.
But all I can do is look the hole in the face,
not blinking, 
with just a stare.

Carolyn Braden's Poetry #2

Love, an impossible thing?
It doesn't only come from a ring. 
Love comes from hard work, patience, and time.
It survives hatred and crime.
Will I be able to keep you forever to be mine.
Or will you be like the others and cast me aside?

Carolyn Braden Is Poetry?

I've been feeling so upset for a while because I haven't had a chance to be creative.  Since starting back to school in August, I have not created on thing artistically for myself.  I've had absolutely zero inspiration.  Then, we recently had some bad weather and I got an unexpected early start to my winter break.  With having the time off, I've been able to actually think of myself for once, therefore, my inspirations started to come back to me.  A little while ago, someone told me I needed to write poetry.  I've written poetry in the past, but never thought of it as being "real".  It was before I knew I was actually a creative person who didn't think like everyone else.  I used to take my talents for granted because I didn't know that my gifts were anything special.  I just thought everyone was like me.  I had an awakening a couple of years ago that made me stop in my tracks and truly told me I was different.  I then realized what I made was really art, and I've taken it very seriously since.

So.....here is some of my first bits of creativity that has been suppressed since August.  

Poem One:  

It's time to stop the punches you throw.
It's time to just let you go.
You said you wished I'd go away,
but you really thought I'd want to stay.
It just doesn't matter anymore.
I've already walked out the door.
I've loved, I've hoped, I've tried.
You knew how much I cried.
My tears have now all dried.
It's time.  
I've forever put you aside.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Carolyn Braden says "Dance Anyone?"

At my Winter Wonderland Party, everyone loved the Michael Jackson Experience game for Wii!  Dancing is great exercise!  It also can lift a bad mood.  So get up and dance today!  

Monday, September 13, 2010

Life As We Know It

After talking to my grandmother today, I had to ask myself if she was reading my mind.  She said she got the song "Que Sera Sera" stuck in her head today.  She said, "You know, that's very true.  Whatever will be, will be."  I was feeling doubtful for a second today, and she got my thoughts on the good road once again.

You know what.  It is true.  I thought I'd post the lyrics to the song here so you could read it.  It's like a poem.  Read it and see if you believe the future is up in the air and we should leave it that way.  I told my grandmother, "You know, I don't think I'd want to really know what will happen in the future for myself.  There are things I'd love to know, but there are many things I wouldn't want to know.  Those things would take a hold of my life and make the good thing anticipation totally be outweighed by the bad thing anticipation."  What do you think?

When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother, what will I be
Will I be pretty, will I be rich
Here's what she said to me.

Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.

When I was young, I fell in love
I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead
Will we have rainbows, day after day
Here's what my sweetheart said.

Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.

Now I have children of my own
They ask their mother, what will I be
Will I be handsome, will I be rich
I tell them tenderly.

Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be. 

Lyrics from:  http://www.lyriczz.com/lyrics/doris-day/12960-que-sera-sera/

Click the ad for a MP3 download of "Que Sera Sera" sung by Doris Day

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Soooooo....Carolyn Braden Asks

I blogged about what he did last year. So, I'm asking now, do you
mean what you say? Actions are louder than words. You know that.
Stop twittering. Stop talking. In the words of Britney Spears, why
don't you do something Kanye West. Or are you still scared about what
people will say?
Carolyn Braden
"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the
--Dolly Parton

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Carolyn Braden asks "Patterns Anyone?"

I have a friend that has been doing some of the same things as I have been lately.  She's trying to move onto the next step in her life like I am and I just finished sending her an e-mail.  After typing it, it seemed like a blog entry I needed to post here.  Here's an excerpt from the e-mail.  It's about not giving up hope even though it seems the world keeps telling you to.  

"Just hang in there.  It's so hard to wait for something when it is your life that is the matter.  I feel like it's been an eternity that I've been waiting to move onto a more artistic career.  You are right to keep the hope.  It's so hard sometimes and I get so mad every once in a while that a run on the treadmill is the only thing that gets rid of the anger.  It usually does the trick.  I usually only get mad when I've worked so hard on something for a while and then it doesn't go my way.  It makes me feel a little bit like a failure.  I yell that I will give up and the failure must have meant I was supposed to give up.  Then after the anger from the failure feelings pass, I know I didn't fail.  I just remember that it wasn't the right opportunity and hopefully another chance will come again soon.  The hope returns, and then I move onto my next project. This seems to be the pattern for me.  :)  Do you notice a pattern in anything that you are doing in the process of starting your new life?

I read Kelly Cutrone's book recently (the owner of People's Revolution that was on The Hills and The City).  It was such a great read because she described a lot of the things that I've felt or gone through on my "journey".  She said when she got her first big artistic career, it was like finding her tribe.  The tribe of people that kept her motivated and inspired.  People that are just like her and felt just like her.  That was a "whoa!" moment for me. 

Keep me updated on everything career wise." 

I know there are other people out there that feel like they are failing on a daily basis.  Either they just lost their job, have been out of work for a while and can't find another job, or something else in their life just isn't adding up.  I only hope that they realize that they aren't alone.  There are so many people on their last leg of hope out there and must be encouraged to keep on going.  If you know anyone that needs a little hope in their life, please call them or go visit them.  If you let them know that you've seen them struggle and tell them to keep on going because someone will say "yes" to them soon, it will shine a light upon them and give them just that little bit of encouragement they were seeking but didn't know it.  

I have a sparkling snow globe with these characters in it from Hallmark.  My husband gave it to me.  Encouragement gifts are so wonderful!  Give them to your kids too!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Carolyn Braden says "My Hallmark Card is Selling!"

My Hallmark card is in Kohl's stores, Walgreen's, Kroger's, Hallmark
stores, and more, and it's selling out! Yeah!!!!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Carolyn Braden, Should I Stay or Should I Go?

What to do, what to do.  Not many choices.  Life can be so boring sometimes.  I know everyone feels it at some point, but what do you do when this happens?  Just sit back and let life keep on going by and do nothing, or should you get up and make something happen?  What if you try to make something happen but it doesn't?  Then you are just back where you started.  Life, life, life.  A funny word when you see it typed over and over again.  Look at me.  I am typing now silly stuff just to make something happen.  I need to go do something worthwhile because this writing thing, I'm not so sure about.  I just started a new blog where I am sharing my favorite recipes and then taking pictures of the food when I make it.  Will people read the new blog?  Do people even read this blog?  Just thinking today.   

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Our new kitten!

We've had Monica since April 30th, but I just realized I hadn't posted
an updated photo of her! She is over 5 pounds now and keeps growing
and growing! She's a pure bred Maine Coon and could get over 25
pounds! She was the biggest in her litter, so we're excited to see
how big she'll get. She's a polydactyl which means she has 5 toes.
This is typical of many Maine Coon cats. Here's a photo of her on
vacation with us recently. She was so good and loved the beach!

July 3rd is the last day to view and vote for Carolyn Braden's OWN Contest Entry!

The deadline to view and vote for Carolyn Braden's audition is this Saturday, July 3rd!  


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Vote for Carolyn's OWN Audition!

Exactly only one more week left to vote! Thanks for your help! Yep,
I'm still way behind, but I'd still like you to vote for me. You just
never know......... :)

Carolyn Braden

Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Carolyn Braden says "My Hallmark card is in stores now!"

My Hallmark card is for sale on-line and is now in stores! Go to a
Walgreen's or a Hallmark store, go to the birthday cards section and
look for a card in black and white with a white dog with glasses on
the front. My name and city and state is on the card divider above my
cards. My picture and bio is on the back of the cards. The card is
in the "anyone" category. I saw it in a Walgreen's during a recent
trip to Florida, so I know it's out there nationwide!
Sent from my iPhone

Carolyn's Audition: View and vote for her to win Oprah's win your OWN show contest!


Only about one week left to view and vote for me. If you have voted
for me, thank you so much! Yes, I am way behind many other people in
my number of views and votes, but nontheless, I will keep trying. I
have so many creative ideas and know I must share them with the
world. No matter if I win this contest or not, trying still puts me
out there. I always remember this saying: "You can't win if you don't
try". That is such a true statement. Remember that . :)

Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Please subscribe to my blog if you are a reader ;)

Did you know that if you subscribe to my blog or blogsyou can choose
to not get e-mail updates whenever I post a new blog? So many people
read the same blogs every day but they never subscribe because they
think they will be bombarded with blog updates all the time. I know
I've unsubscribed to many sites because they've sent too many e-mails
to me.
The reason why I am asking for subscribers is because I'd like to know
if anyone out there likes the fashion ideas I know are going to be
hits in the fashion world (carolynsbloomingcreations), if anyone gets
home design ideas from my husband and I (bradenhomestyle),or if anyone
thinks the way I do or feels the same as I do (pammiepeacock). I have
received e-mails from people that have followed my blog to my website
so I know some people are at least viewing my blogs. So........if you
are one of those people that I listed above, subscribe to my blog or
blogs please :). I read Kelly Cutrone's book recently and I feel as
if I am searching for my "tribe", as Kelly described it. I'm a little
curious too. I've never asked for subscribers before and now I think
it's time for me to do so. Don't be afraid. :)

View and vote for Carolyn Braden's video to win Oprah's win your OWN show contest!

Vote until July 3rd!!!

Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, June 17, 2010

View and Vote for Carolyn Braden's Audition to Win Oprah's Win Your OWN Show Contest!

Votes and views needed!  July 3rd is the last day you can vote!
Please go vote for me to get Carolyn Braden's Turning the Ordinary Into the Extraordinary on Oprah Winfrey's new network, OWN! 

See the full YouTube video on how to make the vinyl record bowl here: 

If you haven't stopped by my website or YouTube page yet, do it today!  

My website:

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Vote for Carolyn Braden's Audition to Win Oprah's Win Your OWN Show Contest

Votes and views needed!
Please go vote for me to get Carolyn Braden's Turning the Ordinary Into the Extraordinary on Oprah Winfrey's new network, OWN!  You can vote until July 3rd.

See the full YouTube video on how to make the vinyl record bowl here: 

If you haven't stopped by my website or YouTube page yet, do it today!  

My website:

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Carolyn Braden says: Vote for me to win Oprah's Win Your OWN Show Contest!

Only 2 weeks left until the end of the contest!
Please go vote for me to get Carolyn Braden's Turning the Ordinary Into the Extraordinary on Oprah Winfrey's new network, OWN!  You can vote until July 3rd.

If you haven't stopped by my website or YouTube page yet, do it today!  


Friday, June 11, 2010

Carolyn Braden Says: Here's my How to Make a Vinyl Record Bowl Video!


Here's my How to Make a Vinyl Record Bowl TOIE show. 

Carolyn Braden Says: Here's my How to Make a Baby Diaper Cake Video!

Click the link above for the video that started Carolyn Braden's TOIE.  It's How To Make a Baby Diaper Cake.  It's so easy!  Watch the video to see how to do it.

Carolyn Braden Says: It's my birthday today so go vote for me to win Oprah's Win Your OWN Show Contest as my present!

It's my birthday today, so go vote for me as a wonderful present!
Please go vote for me to get Carolyn Braden's Turning the Ordinary Into the Extraordinary on Oprah Winfrey's new network, OWN!  You can vote until July 3rd.

If you haven't stopped by my website or YouTube page yet, do it today!  


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Carolyn Braden's YouTube Channel: Check it out!

If you haven't checked out my YouTube channel yet, do it!  My how to show, Carolyn Braden's Turning the Ordinary Into the Extraordinary, is posted there.  If you've ever wanted to be creative, but didn't think you could, my show could probably help you!  :)

Help Carolyn Braden Win Oprah's Win Your OWN Show Contest!

Here's your daily reminder:
Please go vote for me to get Carolyn Braden's Turning the Ordinary Into the Extraordinary on Oprah Winfrey's new network, OWN!  You can vote until July 3rd.

Thanks so much and have a sparkling day!  Click the link below and vote as many times as you wish!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Vote for Carolyn Braden To Win Oprah's Win Your OWN Show Talent Search Contest!

Here's your daily reminder:
 Please go vote for me to get Carolyn Braden's Turning the Ordinary Into the Extraordinary on Oprah Winfrey's new network, OWN!  You can vote until July 3rd.

Thanks so much and have a sparkling day!  Click the link below and vote as many times as you wish!


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Carolyn Braden has just a little feeling......

I have been sensing some things that have seem very coincidental lately."Coincidences" have happened to me my whole life.  I've always been able to catch frequency in numbers, but it's been happening a lot more lately.  Today, my mileage of my car had 777 in it when I happened to look at it, and I always seem to catch my mileage during a frequency of numbers change.  I saw 1:11 on my phone today when I got a text from a friend, saw 2:22 yesterday on my stove when talking to a friend, and 555 came up today as well.  3:33 came up today as well.  That was a weird one because I was thinking about all these frequencies and I looked at my phone to see if I could catch one and at that moment, my phone changed from 3:32 to 3:33.
I did a little research in the frequency of numbers and what it all means.  I've found that many believe the number frequencies are one way angels try to communicate with us.  Some websites say that angels can't write out in the sky for us that they are here for us, so they send us other signs, number frequency being one of them.  Some websites said to stop at the moment you receive a "sign" through a frequency in numbers and truly think about what you want in life and remember that the angels are there to guide you to get the thing you want.  Someone a long time ago told me to make a wish whenever I see a number frequency and I've been doing that ever since.  I think that goes with the same idea of thinking about what you truly want in life.  
I think I know why the angels are trying to talk to me right now.  There are a lot of reasons and I just hope and pray I am on the right track with my thoughts. :)

Help Carolyn Braden Win Oprah's OWN Talent Search Contest!

Here's your daily reminder:
 Please go vote for me to get Carolyn Braden's Turning the Ordinary Into the Extraordinary on Oprah Winfrey's new network, OWN!  You can vote until July 3rd.

Thanks so much and have a sparkling day!  Click the link below and vote as many times as you wish!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Help Carolyn Braden win her OWN show! (Oprah Winfrey's Talent Search Contest)

Here's your daily reminder:
At least until July 3rd, when the voting window closes.  Please go vote for me to get Carolyn Braden's Turning the Ordinary Into the Extraordinary on Oprah Winfrey's new network, OWN!

Thanks so much and have a sparkling day!  Click the link below and vote as many times as you wish!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Carolyn Braden says "Vote for me to win OWN, Oprah's new network talent search contest!"

Here's your daily reminder:
At least until July 3rd, when the voting window closes.  Please go vote for me to get Carolyn Braden's Turning the Ordinary Into the Extraordinary on Oprah Winfrey's new network, OWN!

Thanks so much and have a sparkling day!  Click the link below and vote as many times as you wish!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Carolyn Braden says "Vote for me to get my show on OWN!"

I'm going to blog this all the time now!  At least until July 3rd, when the voting window closes.  Please go vote for me to get Carolyn Braden's Turning the Ordinary Into the Extraordinary on Oprah Winfrey's new network, OWN!

Thanks so much and have a sparkling day!  Click the link below and vote as many times as you wish!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Carolyn Braden Says "Vote for me to have my show on OWN!"

Put Carolyn Braden in the search box and vote for me!

I want Carolyn Braden's Turning the Ordinary Into the Extraordinary to move from YouTube to a cable network, OWN, the Oprah Winfrey Network!

Vote for me every day as many times as you wish until July 3rd!  I need to be in the top five to be considered for a show!

Please vote for me and thank you so much in advance!  Have a sparkling day!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Carolyn Braden says "Jackie Warner is the best!"

I love my UbiSoft/Wii Your Shape game.  BUT, sometimes I just need to change it up.  Exercise should never get boring or you won't continue to do it anymore.  I started doing weights and running on the treadmill last August.  Then I moved onto Your Shape and Just Dance. Then, my mother-in-law mentioned going to our local cable's "Free Spot" to view Exercise TV's free workout videos.  (We have Insight cable here and we have "On Demand, Free Spot" that gives you many free movies and more to watch).  I was intrigued.

I was searching for something to alternate with Your Shape.  I tried the Zumba DVDS's, which were fun, but since they don't use current music, it gets kind of boring after a while.  I then tried Exercise TV's Belly Dancing, which was a lot of fun.  I tried Jillian Michaels' Yoga, Pilates, and Core Workouts but they just weren't for me.  I had a hard time connecting to her and her routines.  

Then I tried Jackie Warner.  SHE. IS. THE. BEST.

I tried one of her core workout routines and it kicked my butt!  She does one minute intervals of a series of three exercises, then does a power burn of all three at the end of the segment.  She started with the legs, then went to arms, then finished with abs.  I truly loved her routine because each segment was fast and I didn't fatigue my muscles due to her changing up each muscle group so quickly.  She was motivating and her whole philosophy on exercise is completely realistic.  
The routine is getting easier the more I do it.  I am considering finding some of her DVD's to try out too.  Having a DVD will be beneficial to take on vacation this summer to keep in shape.  Yeah, yeah, who wants to workout while on vacation.......I do!  Jackie has made it so fun that it's addicting!

Exercise people! And when winter rolls around.......don't stop!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Carolyn Braden: Hallmark Card Store Winner!

I just wanted to post that Hallmark e-mailed me last week and notified me I am now an in-store winner!  My card will not only be sold on-line, but also in stores!  It will be in stores on June 21st, 2010.  I really hoped and prayed my card would make it to stores.  To think, I will be able to go into a Hallmark card store and see my dog Vegas on the front of a card!  He is such a wonderful dog.  :)

Go here to view the card: 

Speaking of animals, I am so sad to report that our beloved Maine Coon mix cat, Phoebe, passed away on March 5, 2010.  She was such a wonderful cat.  She was always the life of the party.  We had to always make sure there was a chair for her to sit on at any party we had because she loved being around everyone and being a part of the party.  The vet believed she had feline leukemia, a blood disease.   Her body was attacking itself and it was such a hard decision to make to put her to sleep.  She became secluded from everyone, lost a ton of weight, and just was suffering.  We couldn't let pain happen to her.  
On the same day Phoebe passed, another little kitten was born.  Our soon to be new kitten, Monica, will be her legacy.  We pick her up very soon and she is adorable.  She is a Maine Coon.  She will make our Phoebe proud.  

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Carolyn Braden: Hallmark Card Winner!

Well, another contest entered, another contest won.

I entered the Hallmark birthday card contest last month and my card was a winner!  My dog, Vegas, was the inspiration for my entry.  The outside of the card is the image above.  I took it one day just on a whim.  I love taking photos of my animals.  William Wegman is an inspiration for me doing this.  The inside of the card says "They say the first to go are the eyes.  Happy Birthday."  My husband, Tommy, came up with the words.  Vegas won some cash and his card will go on sale on Hallmark's website in March.  The card will then be up for the chance to be a card made for stores.  
So now, Phoebe, my cat has been on HGTV and Vegas is on a Hallmark card.  It's now Joey and Reno's turn.  I wonder what they can do........


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Carolyn Braden's Your Shape/Just Dance Party

I just found a great website: www.houseparty.com
I know many many other people knew about this website long before I did, but I am so glad I came across it! I randomly went onto a website from my Reader's Digest magazine. There was link to houseparty.com. I read through the website and decided to apply for the Your Shape Fun and Fit party. I heard about Your Shape and saw the advertisements for Just Dance on t.v. (They both looked so fun!) I was selected to be a host, and then all of the sudden my "Party Pack" came in the mail right before Christmas. Inside were both of the new Wii games and all kinds of other great stuff. I started inviting people to host a Fun, Fit, and Fabulous party (part of the deal when signing up for parties), and couldn't believe how I was so lucky to get these games for free! Jell-o Mousse Temptations also sponsored this party so I got all kinds of coupons for free pudding for people to try at the party. (They also sent napkins and spoons!)

Needless to say, everyone had an amazing time at my party. They all came dressed in their fitness gear (I asked people to dress up as their favorite fitness guru), we ate healthy food options, ate the pudding, took a celebrity fitness quiz, and more! I made party favor bags for everyone to take home with them. (The party pack contained all kinds of coupons and things for the favor bags). I also put in some Crystal Light packets and a Soyjoy or FiberOne bar in the bags.

Check out the link below to see photos from my event!

House Party My Party

I've applied to host other parties, so I hope houseparty sees that I am completely motivated to sponsor the parties and give all my guests a way to try new things and have fun doing it too! I especially loved this party because it got us all motivated to have fun while exercising, something we all need to do post holidays. Your Shape is a great game (every time I work out with Jenny McCarthy's avatar, I never do the same workout twice) and I recommend it. I also truly hope they come out with a second Just Dance Wii game. It is so much fun and a great warm-up to do before Your Shape.

Ahhhhh....video games...... What will be next?

--Carolyn :)