Saturday, October 25, 2008

Rainbarrels and Pammie Peacock

Today, I just submitted my design idea for Edge Outreaches Rainbarrel Event. The event is on March 6th, 2009.

If my design idea is chosen, I would not only like to paint a rainbarrel for the event, but I would like to attend the Rainbarrel Auction in March. My husband and I were discussing purchasing a rainbarrel over the summer, and this is that inspiration that we must have been waiting for. We'd love to attend the event and bid on our rainbarrel and maybe on some other barrels. We love that this whole idea is not only about helping out the environment, but also about promoting art in schools!

My rainbarrel is about Pammie Peacock. Pammie Peacock is a character I created this year to teach my students the rules of the school. I currently teach art to elementary children. They absolutely love Pammie! Pammie has given me many, many ideas. Pammie is the lead character in a children's book I am working on. Pammie has many, many friends. Each character from the book is based on the people in my life, present and past. Her adventures are based on stories from my life. I believe her adventures will be a series of books. I am currently working on having someone hear my ideas and think they are as great as I know they are.

Well see what happens.

Till next time....


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