I finally finished my "Up and Down" journal. I love writing in a journal. As I've blogged about before, journal writing is so helpful in keeping up with your thoughts and goals. My up and down journal was killer. I've gone back and read through past journals and nothing compares to this last one. I was actually relieved when I finished writing in it. There was a whole lot of negativity in it. I am so glad I got out those negative thoughts through writing. Now, my next journal has a picture of a tree on it and I got it at a little bookshop in Sanibel Island this summer. It is beautiful. Trees have been a big part of my life lately. I like trees. I love how they can be beautiful and bear beautiful flowers in the spring, full and rich during the summer, colorful yet peaceful in the fall, and strong and tall in the winter. Anyways, this next journal is going to show the change in my life. From my 20's to my 30's. The tree is representational of the change because trees change.
Change is good. Why must we keep doing the same things all the time? Try something new. No, it's not New Year's resolution time yet, but who cares! Don't wait until then if you know you need to make a change in your life. It may be too late if you wait! Make a decision to change and stick with it. I have slacked on my exercise the last few months. I decided last week I was going to start getting up 15 minutes early every day to walk on the treadmill. You know what? It's like a shot of espresso! Who needs 10 cups of coffee when you can just exercise! Exercise increases your endurance and positivity. Try something new or stop a bad habit. Just because everyone else keeps making the same mistakes and gives up on pacts they make with themselves, you don't have to do it too. Baby steps people, baby steps.
Something really good may have happened today. I will not get too excited yet. I will blog again if I am right about this.
Until next time......
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