Friday, September 25, 2009

Carolyn Braden: Southern Voice

Okay.....the something good did happen.

I just was accepted into another talent agency. This one is in Nashville, TN. Within the first month of being in the agency, I booked a good job. I was a featured extra in Tim McGraw's about to debut music video for "Southern Living." This experience was really a good one. I met Tim and some of his friends. His friends were really guys that work on his farm, but he treated them like his buddies. They drove his vintage cars in from his farm to be in the video. His one friend, Bobby, was really a funny guy. He trains some of Tim's dogs and horses. I got to hang out with the dogs too. They all were just regular, nice people. Oh, but they live in the good ol' south. You know what? I thought I lived in the south here in Kentucky, but I'm not really in the south. When I've been in the "real south" (TN and lower) I have witnessed some true niceness. The people I've encountered have been friendly, kind, caring, and just all around good people. Now, I'm not saying that they are all nice or that everyone that lives everywhere else are mean. I am just saying I've had a good experience with TN, which happens to be in the south, lately. MMMM.........maybe TN would be a good place to live. I know to do what I want to do full time will result in a move at some point. I just don't know when and where yet.
Anyways, I hope my scene makes it to the video. I was the "ice tea girl" as everyone was calling me that by the end of the day. I was in charge of carrying a glass of iced sweet tea across the front of the band which started the extras walking into the scene. I didn't spill the tea one time, so I'd call it a successful day. My husband even got pulled into the crowd scene.
I am so ready for more.................

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Carolyn Braden: That's Enough KANYE WEST!

Holy cow. I have been a supporter of Kanye West since he first broke out onto the music scene. Every time he screwed up by punching someone out or running off his mouth, I still supported him. When his mother died, I was sad for him. I just thought he was a fellow artist who just felt understood and frustrated. Being an artist myself, I know what it is like to be frustrated and want to sound off because I've felt understood. BUT ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

I never voice my opinion so strongly against a great artist. I am tonight. I had to get this out. I stopped watching the regular MTV channel and tuned into the other MTV channels to watch music videos from time to time. I go to sometimes to view the newest music videos. After seeing an advertisement online today about Janet Jackson performing and Madonna introducing her, I decided to tune in to the regular MTV channel for a while tonight. What I saw tonight hurt my heart incredibly. I am not sure why I am reacting so strongly to what I saw, but I am.

Kanye West jumped up on stage and stole Taylor Swift's moment.

How dare you Kanye West steal someone's first moment!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a fan of all artist's in the world whether I agree with their agenda or not, but this is horrible. Do I know these people personally. No. But. That. Is. Enough. Kanye, take out your frustrations on your art, man. She is just a kid. She is a fellow artist. HOW DARE YOU. You've done this too many times. Your mother died. Yes, I am sure that hurt your world more than anything, but why continue to take out your anger on everyone else????????????????? I will pray for you. I pray that you truly get a wake up call. You have a talent. You are an artist. Why do you continue to hurt people with your celebrity? God gave you a talent and you are totally using it in the worst way. You are making yourself look worse and worse. Your talent is about to go down the drain and your supporters are fading away.

I just don't know what else to say. Oh....I know....go away Kanye. I am an artist trying to make it like you were. Clear out you belongings and go away. Make room for the artists in the world like me who want to make a difference in the world without hurting others. Shame on you.