Sunday, January 17, 2010

Carolyn Braden's Your Shape/Just Dance Party

I just found a great website:
I know many many other people knew about this website long before I did, but I am so glad I came across it! I randomly went onto a website from my Reader's Digest magazine. There was link to I read through the website and decided to apply for the Your Shape Fun and Fit party. I heard about Your Shape and saw the advertisements for Just Dance on t.v. (They both looked so fun!) I was selected to be a host, and then all of the sudden my "Party Pack" came in the mail right before Christmas. Inside were both of the new Wii games and all kinds of other great stuff. I started inviting people to host a Fun, Fit, and Fabulous party (part of the deal when signing up for parties), and couldn't believe how I was so lucky to get these games for free! Jell-o Mousse Temptations also sponsored this party so I got all kinds of coupons for free pudding for people to try at the party. (They also sent napkins and spoons!)

Needless to say, everyone had an amazing time at my party. They all came dressed in their fitness gear (I asked people to dress up as their favorite fitness guru), we ate healthy food options, ate the pudding, took a celebrity fitness quiz, and more! I made party favor bags for everyone to take home with them. (The party pack contained all kinds of coupons and things for the favor bags). I also put in some Crystal Light packets and a Soyjoy or FiberOne bar in the bags.

Check out the link below to see photos from my event!

House Party My Party

I've applied to host other parties, so I hope houseparty sees that I am completely motivated to sponsor the parties and give all my guests a way to try new things and have fun doing it too! I especially loved this party because it got us all motivated to have fun while exercising, something we all need to do post holidays. Your Shape is a great game (every time I work out with Jenny McCarthy's avatar, I never do the same workout twice) and I recommend it. I also truly hope they come out with a second Just Dance Wii game. It is so much fun and a great warm-up to do before Your Shape. games...... What will be next?

--Carolyn :)

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